FoML Membership

Become a Friend

Won’t you join us? Donate anytime and become a member – it only takes an annual donation of $20.00!

Two ways to join:

1. Donate with PayPal using a debit or credit card:

 2. Print out a Membership Form and mail it to:

Friends of the McKinleyville Library
P.O. Box 2612
McKinleyville, CA 95519-2612

    Please make checks payable to Friends of the McKinleyville Library.

 Thank you for your consideration and support!

What We Do

The Friends are very special to the McKinleyville Library

he Friends routinely pay for newspaper and magazine subscriptions and also provide funding for children’s programming. In 2010 an addition to the library was built after more than a decade of fundraising and grant writing. The new room houses a conference table, work spaces and WiFi throughout the library.

  • Newspaper and magazine subscriptions
  • Children’s story time and craft supplies
  • Summer Reading Program prizes and materials
  • Arts and crafts supplies
  • McNaughton book program subscription
  • New media shelving and fixtures
  • Community performances and events at the library
  • Technology supplies for programming and patron use
  • And much more!

A Brief History

The Friends of the McKinleyville Library started as a local volunteer group wanting to help and support its library. The organization was formed in 1989 and was later incorporated in 1995. Meetings and events are open to the community and new members are always welcome.