The Friends of the McKinleyville Library is dedicated to promoting and supporting the library and its programs.
Who We Are
The Friends of the McKinleyville Library is a non-profit organization which depends on the donations and support of its members and the community. The Friends are people who come from all walks of life to support the library. By paying modest yearly dues, members provide the working budget which allows us to fund the needs and activities for the library’s medium- and long-range goals.

The Friends hold bi-monthly meetings in the McKinleyville Library at 6:30 PM on the third Wednesday of the following months: January, March, May, September and November. Anyone who is interested in supporting the library and staying informed is welcome to attend. Please reach out for more information.
Board of Trustees
- Adrienne Veronese, President
- Teri Bundros, Vice-President
- Diane Swanberg, Treasurer
- Jenna Lindberg, Secretary
- Amy Dougan, Board Member
- Jesse Miles, Board Member
- Morguine Sefcik, Board Member